The St. Francis Sustainable Garden Project supports the hungry, at-risk children and their families in our area. We use a garden plot in front of the St. Francis rectory where we grow and harvest herbs, vegetables and flowers. In past years each harvest has produced over 180 lbs. of produce- all delivered to the pantry at Foundations Preschool of Ann Arbor, - child care center for at-risk, low-income families.

The St. Francis Grounds & Botanical Gardens: Several gardens surround the St Francis of Assisi campus of buildings, including, but not limited to, the church, school, rectory and/or parish offices. These gardens need to be a beautiful expression of hospitality, in particular, the entrances, to our fellow parishioners and visitors as well as reflect a statement of our appreciation for God's creation and nature.

Questions? Contact: Scott Wright (734-821-2121)

Seedling/Plant Sale: May 18-19, 2013

Feed Hungry Neighbors, and new this year:
Support Michigan Native Plants Initiatives.

St. Francis Sustainable Garden Projects
       Annual Seedling/Plant Sale:  May 18-19, 2013.  Sale proceeds are used to fund supplies for 2 on site gardens.  One garden provides fresh organic produce and herbs to Perry Nursery School Families, a program for children of low-income single parents.  
An additional brand new initiative is our Michigan Native Plant Garden,
part of our Sustainability Project.
Donations and volunteers are also welcome.   Come learn about gardening!  Interested? Please contact Erich Jensen at: or (734) 771-8511.

We did it!: Compost Day Apr 20: St Francis of Assisi Sustainable Gardens Projects

We did it!: Compost Day Apr 20: St Francis of Assisi Sustainable Gardens Projects

Many thanks to 8 diehard volunteers (see attached photo taken by Ann Marie) who braved the cold (and even a little snow on the ground) and shoveled rain soaked compost (remember the weather from the previous 3 days) on a beautiful sunny morning.
Volunteers with shovels in hand included:
  • Rose and Patrick Sherry
  • Erich and Ann Marie Jensen
and the really heavy lifters who met at 8 am at the compost center:
  • Bob and Joan Meagher (who borrowed/brought a pick up truck AND wheelbarrow)
  • Frank Fazekas
  • Ron Yonkoski
We filled the new potato and native plant "Paul*" bed (128" x 64") with compost (see photo) and piled the remainder near the compost bins and rhubarb bed for further distribution to the perimeter of the main sustainable garden. 
* Named for St Paul
See you soon:
May 18 morning:  Garden preparation including tilling of the compost into the bed and the perimeter and seedling and seed planting.  
May 18-19 masses: Seedling/Plant Sale
Wanted: The usual suspects/volunteers.

Thank you and Needs

Dear St Francis Sustainable Garden Volunteers:

Is it still Spring?  I think so, although it is hard to tell today. 

Events (Updates)
  • Apr 5 (Fri) @ 10 am for ~ 1.5 hours on cool, clear, bright morning: 
    • Thank you to our volunteers: Susan Allen, Erich and Ann Marie Jensen, Rose, Patrick and John (photographer) Sherry and Julie White (see attached picture) and vendors: Downtown Home and Garden (DHG) and Ann Arbor Native Plants (AANP) for:
    • Clearing all leaf and winter debris from the perimeter of the rectory sustainable garden as well as edging, weeding and expanding the perimeter by several inches.  Note:  More herbs and selective native plants (i.e., perennials will be planted here).
    • Turning and raking out the soil in the NW bed of the rectory sustainable garden and planting cool crops of sugar snap peas and spinach including setting up the trellis for the peas.  Note:  DHG donated the seeds and 4 x 6 foot metal stakes for the bed>
    • Clearing all debris from one of the hill side garden (east of parking lot near pine trees) and turning over the soil for May planting of potatoes and native Michigan plants.  Note: DHG donated several pounds of red and Yukon gold seed potatoes (as well as onion sets) and AANP will be donating 4 plants each of 8 different Michigan native plants.
    • Filling 3 compost bins with the cleared organic debris and watering them.
    • Setting up rain barrel.
    • Hauling several 6 foot winter damaged branches from cedar trees for disposal/recycling.
    • Garlic, planted in October, is making an appearance, but the asparagus is not (yet).
  • Apr 6 (Sa) & Apr 7 (Su) at 5pm, 8:45 am &/or 10:30 am: Vegetable, Herb and Michigan Native Plant Seed Sale at PAC on cool, cloudy and windy days (see attached picture).
    • Thank you to our volunteers: Rose and Patrick Sherry, Erich and Ann Marie Jensen, Joan Meagher, and Kati Derezinski and vendors: DHG and AANP  Note:  Special thanks to Rose, Patrick (seed counter) and John (package artist) Sherry and Erich Jensen for packaging seeds and setting up the sale table and recordkeeping system.
    • Seed Sale was success with ~$90  in sales (about 75 seed and Canna bulbs [donated by Joan Meagher] at $1 each) and donations. Note: DHG donated snap peas, bush beans, pole beans and spinach seeds.  Lettuce and AANP wildflower seed mix was purchased.  Dill and cilantro seeds had been harvested and packaged from St Francis garden.  Burpee had donated a variety of seed packets.
    • All seed types sold at the masses with highest selling seeds being wildflowers mix and highest selling mass(es) were post 10:30 and pre 12:15 mass.  Note:  Will probably not sell after Sat 5 pm mass next year, but will still sell seedlings at this mass in May. 

Future Events
  • Apr 20 (Sa): Join Joan Meagher ~ 8 am to truck compost from City of Ann Arbor Compost Center and haul to St Francis garden beds.  Bring shovel(s).  Possible 2 trips with pick-up truck.  Rain date: Apr 27
  • May 18 (Sa) at 9am: Meet at St Francis sustainable gardens to prepare remaining garden beds including another MI native plant bed, turn over compost bins, dig up herbs for plant sale, and plant seeds/seedlings. Bring shovels.  
  • May 18 (Sa) & May 19 (Su) after 5pm, 8:45 am &/or 10:30 am masses: Vegetable, Herb and Michigan Native Plant Seedling Sale at PAC. Rain or shine.  
    • Do you have extra garden plants or perennials that need thinning.   Please consider donating and/or bringing extra plants in pots for the Seedling Sale

Other Information (updates)
  • New Initiative: Michigan Native Plant Sustainable Garden:  Part of the unused bed across the parking lot on the hill south of the Parish Office will become the home for some native Michigan perennials to serve as source and education on the importance of these plants with our parishioners.  We hope this garden will provide plantings for other parts of the parish property, altar decorations, and/or education initiatives for the parish school children.  We hope to include these plants in future seed and seedling sales with local nursery donations already being requested.
  • New Initiative:  Increased Potato Production Project:  The other part of this unused bed is for increasing seed potato (e.g., red and Yukon gold plantings) This vegetable crop is being moved from the main rectory garden.  Some additional companion and/or vegetable plants (not eaten by rabbits) are being considered.  Lastly, we are looking to include some St Francis school children in the planting (and then subsequent fall harvest) of the potatoes.
  • Donations: Although Joan Meagher and Erich Jensen have been diligently soliciting vendors for donations of plants, seeds and other garden supplies, we are specifically in need of the following items:
    • Leaf rake
    • Bow rake
    • 100 foot of hoses (to reach from parish office building to potato and native plant bed)
    • Hand saw
    • 5 gallon bucket
    • P.S.  We will also recognize donations in future Forums.
  • Names for the Garden Beds
    • For the rectory garden with its 4 beds outlining a cross: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
    • For the potato and native plant bed: Paul
    • For the another native plant bed near the potato and native plant bed: Francis
    • For the side garden (e.g., rhubarb): Peter

Other upcoming volunteer needs
  • A donation of 3 blueberry bushes and 3 huckleberry bushes awaits us compliments of Mary Ann's Michigan Trees and Shrubs, 28092 M 40 Hwy, Paw Paw, MI 49079
    • Are you able or do you know anyone headed west to or past Paw, Paw MI in the next 4-6 weeks to pick up these plants, if so, please call Rose, Erich or Joan?
  • Please save your clear plastic vegetable and fruit containers for garden harvest deliveries to Perry Nursery School.  Drop off at Scott Wright's parish office or Erich Jensen's house (near church on Crestland Street).  Please call first.
  • Please consider or share a day of the week (~1 hour commitment) from Jun to Sep to water and weed the gardens as well as turn the compost bins. 
    • Fazekas family has volunteered for Wednesdays.  Thank you, Frank, Julie and Frank III

Thank you for reading this long message, and thank you, for past and in advance volunteer time and/or donations. 

Please let us know, if you are no longer able to volunteer, so you are not bothered with future emails.

In Christ,
Erich Jensen
Garden Coordinator

Rose Sherry
Garden Coordinator

Joan Meagher
Fundraising Coordinator

Scott Wright
Director, Parish Service and Justice

Successful St Francis Seed Sale Apr 6 - 7

Dear All,
I certainly think so! even though weather was cool, cloudy, and windy!
  1. Many thanks to:
    1. The Sherry Family (Rose and Patrick) for covering the Saturday 5 pm mass
    2. Erich and Ann Marie Jensen and Katy Derezinski for covering the Sunday 8:45 am mass
    3. Joan Meagher (and Erich and Ann Marie) covering the Sunday 10:30 mass (and early arrivals to 12:15 pm mass).  Added note:  Family Religious Education, a big crowd, was in the PAC during this time, too.
    4. Scott Wright for publicity in the Forum and priests end-of-mass announcements
  2. Sales were at $88.00!
    1. $7.00 at 5pm
    2. $30.00 at 8:45am
    3. $51.00 at 10:30am until 12:15pm
  3. Sales breakdowns include:
    1. $42 for crop seeds
    2. $30 for flower seeds/bulbs
    3. $16 for donations
  4. Bestsellers
    1. Wildflowers (15)
    2. Spinach (11)
    3. Lettuce (10)
    4. Seed Balls (9)
    5. Note: All seeds had sales!
  5. Other notes/questions
    1. Table setup outside PAC door seems to be a good spot!
    2. Individual requests for heirloom tomato seedlings and lavender (i.e., consider for seedling sale)?
    3. Seed sale tally sheets by mass very useful (Thank you, Rose)!
    4. Selling all items for $1 simplified sales totals and giving change!
    5. Individual request for kale (i.e., consider for future seed sale)?
    6. Planting tips and content sheets (i.e., canna and wildflower) helpful giveaway!
    7. Consider having a few small paper bags for larger purchases and canna bulbs?
    8. Inclusion of flower seeds/bulbs encouraging? Seed balls for 2014? More native plant seeds?


Easter Blessings,

Erich Jensen

St Francis Sustainable Garden Co-coordinator
